My Baby Bug, Danielle

My Baby Bug, Danielle

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Don't Judge or Seek Revenge

James 1:19-20 - Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

I have been dealing a lot with this topic lately. According to the word of God we shall not judge for we shall be judged. Seeking revenge on someone hurts no one but ourselves because it takes up all of our time. We can't study the word of God when we are constantly plotting and planning against someone that has wronged us.

God meant for us to be good listeners so that we can be slow to speak, which gives us time to have a Godly thought to give to the situation. If we are quick to respond or lash out, it will almost always be a nasty blow to someone that could have otherwise been someone we should have shown kindness to. My mom told me once to "kill em with kindness" and I'm telling you over and over, this advice is good advice. It has always worked for me and I am certain it will work for you.

If you are planning on getting through a rough situation that challenges your faith, it is crucial for you to follow this lesson. We are meant to be Godly examples and if we are constantly seeking revenge, we can't possibly be setting a good example. By being vengeful we will do several things, of which, driving away other Godly people is the worst. If we lose our Godly friends we lose our grounding to the word and then we will wither away like a dying flower with no water.

So if you are faced with a horrible situation, don't react, listen and wait for God's words to come, I promise it will. He never leaves your side and he said vengeance is let him do His work. Don't try to do His work for Him, if we do, He may just let us take ourselves down the wrong road and trust me that is not a road we want to travel unprotected by God!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Transformation from Caterpillar to Butterfly!

Corinthians 3:18 - "But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

Most of us understand the transformation of the caterpillar into a butterfly, but has anyone explained the transformation from your OLD self in the flesh of our earth to your NEW self in Christ? The world wants to conform us, God wants to transform us! Jesus gives us a heart of wanting and appreciation, little by little he transforms us into his image. When we submerse ourselves in the teachings of the Bible, we learn little by little and become transformed little by little so that eventually, we can be transformed from the animal that crawls to the Christian that flies!

We need to stop thinking God is mad at us for not being perfect Christians. We all learn at different paces, we all have different amounts of time that we can devote to our learning. You may only have 15 minutes a day to devote to the Lord, but eventually you will have more time and be able to grow into your NEW Christian life in your own time. Just like the butterfly that develops from the cocoon, we develop as Christians the same way. If you are going through struggles in your life, think of the butterfly in the cocoon, he struggles and struggles to get out of it and then becomes this beautiful animal of God. Your struggles too, will transform you into a beautiful person of God. Sometimes, we have to go through struggles to develop into our NEW Christian lives.

Don't try to be someone else, because when God transforms you, you will be your own butterfly! So get into your cocoon with the Holy Spirit and be transformed into the image of Jesus!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Having a Christian influence is difficult sometimes...

Proverbs 10:17 (NIV) - "He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray."

Discipline is not only important to us, but also to those who are influenced by our actions. So often we undervalue the impact of our personal decisions on others. But God has placed each of us in a circle of influence to be a blessing and a redemptive influence for those around us. To choose what is foolish, to ignore godly correction, not only jeopardizes our own future, but also the future of others.

I read this the other day and decided this was something very close to my heart. When Christians behave badly we influence others in several ways. The first is that we may make unsaved people think we are hypocrites. Second, we may make other Christians think it's okay to say and behave certain ways that are not Godly or how God would have us behave. Lastly and most importantly, we may miss an opportunity to witness to someone that otherwise would have been influenced in a positive way by our Christian ways.

Remember, not only is God watching every moment of our lives, but so are others that just might be looking to you for Godly guidance. Love everyone all the time, even when you don't want to and you'll understand what I am saying.

The Letter...

To all of my friends on Facebook and friends of Danielle's, you already know I received a letter from Danielle's accused killer on Monday. I felt compelled to write about it today rather than the last 2 days because I wanted to reflect upon what the letter meant to me and how it would affect others, myself and the case against the accused.

I was startled as you can imagine finding it in my mailbox to begin with, however, it was what I had been praying for sometime to receive. I wanted him to acknowledge the fact that he took her away from me, tell me he was remorseful, ask for forgiveness, tell me thank you for trying to lead him to Christ and for hurting so many people by taking her life. What I received in my eyes was exactly that. However, after reading it over and over to my family and friends, they really didn't feel the same way.

I think when you want something to be true so badly you see it from your own perspective. As a wise friend told me today, she sees her glass half full, not half empty. I think this is what I felt as I read the letter. I think I wanted so badly for a truthful, well thought out apology, I saw that in his letter he sent. The letter was an answer to my prayer, I know that without a doubt. But, I do believe that because I forgave him a long time ago for what he did to my family and most importantly my child, it was a closure that I had been longing for since he was arrested.

I still believe he meant the apology, I just have a greater understanding of the fact that not all people see situations from the same side of the fence. I'd like to end by saying that if you are faced with choosing how you view something you see or hear, the Christian thing to do is believe God has control over all things and He knows every ones thoughts before they think them and he is the only one that should be judging if Daryl was sincere or not. Not me.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

4th month since my baby bug was taken from me...

A friend of mine said that my blog followers would like to know more about Danielle and how this happened to my sweet baby girl. I find it difficult to discuss the actual actions that led to her death, however, I can tell you how I feel and how I have learned to deal with the loss of my oldest child that I loved more than life itself.

As I am sure, anyone that is a parent can relate, losing a child is probably the most difficult thing that we could ever endure. I have to say that I was completely unprepared to receive the news of this tragedy as I am sure no parent is. However, I was scheduled for a heart surgery on the 8th of December. I received a call from my daughter on the evening of the 7th to make sure I called her before I went into surgery. I tried diligently to call her to no avail. I knew at that time something was wrong. Parents, we know these things. I told my mom to find her before I got out of surgery and when I got out of surgery I didn't have a clue until the next day that Darryl Anthony Priestly had taken the life of my child early on the morning of the 8th before I went into my surgery.

Parents always say they don't understand how I feel and my answer is that yes you do. If you are a parent then you know exactly what I feel. It is every parents worst nightmare. During the days that passed after her death I was numb to all the activities, however, I continued to pray for my healing of my heart and in that prayer I realized that with forgiveness, no anger and no bitterness, it was much easier to deal with. I have days that I have my breakdowns, I really do. I am human, we are all sinners. I do believe however, that the only reason God has me here on earth is to make sure that everyone that needs to know about forgiveness, not holding grudges, not angering quickly and not being bitter gets to know that with these virtues in your life and walking like Jesus walked on this earth of ours will give you nothing but peace and God's grace beyond your understanding.

I want to tell all of the parents out there, to always tell your children you love them no matter how mad you are, always kiss and hug them even when they think it's gross and embarrasses them, and always remember to keep good tabs on your children. You think you know them but you really have no clue and they believe you don't understand at all. You couldn't have possibly ever been a teenager you know. Try to let them make some decisions and pick your battles wisely. If it won't matter 10 years from now and it's not breaking a commandment, don't argue about it. Life is too short to argue with the love of your need to respect them just as they respect you. Remember, we reap what we sow.

What makes a person successful in spiritual warfare?

In spiritual warfare you have to remember that you wrestle not with flesh and blood. You are fighting evil spirits, therefore you need to be prepared to fight the way they fight...through actions. They can't do anything without your permission.

First, you must have endurance (2 Timothy 2:3) - the ability to endure and withstand hardship, adversity, or stress. We are to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

Second, you must have hatred for the devil (Psalms 139.22) - extreme dislike or antipathy, loathing. In spiritual warfare, we must have a hatred of evil spirits.

Third, you must have knowledge (2 Corinthians 2:11) - we are not to be ignorant of Satan's devices.

Fourth, you must have persistence (Psalms 18:37) - the ability to go on resolutely or stubbornly in spite of oppression. We must be persistent in dealing with the enemy.

Lastly, you must practice separation (2 Timothy 2:14) - to get or keep apart. No man who wars entangles himself with the affairs of this life.

God uses ordinary people to accomplish His purposes. Our ability comes through grace. Every believer is sitting in heavenly places in Christ. Your position in Christ is high above all principality and power. You must see who you are in Christ. You can do all things through Christ.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Strife, what strife?

For where there is jealousy and selfishness, there is strife and every evil work. - James 3:16

Strife is a very sneaky thing. It can sneak in like cancer and steal your peace, destroy relationships and extinguish all hope for your future. You must always stay on guard against strife and make the decision to walk in love and peace. Keeping strife out of your life is a vital key to living the abundant life God has in store for you!

Follow the example of Jesus and let your words and actions bring life to those around you. Focus more on loving people than proving your point in an argument. As you honor and prefer others and lay your own opinions aside, you'll discover a level of peace and rest you've never experienced before, then shall follow new levels of victory and abundance.

Husbands and wives, always kiss goodnight and say your sorry even if it's not your fault in your eyes, friends always hug and tell each other your sorry even if it hurts you to do so, families don't hold past arguments over each others heads and live for the next argument, love one another as Jesus loves us and you will never have strife in your house!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Always say I love you...

In reflecting about Danielle, I realized that Danielle never got off the phone without saying she loved you. Ask around or if you knew her you could tell me AMEN! I used to be annoyed that she would do that because I felt it became insignificant if you used it too much. She always said it and if I didn't say it back she'd correct me swiftly. I learned to always say I love you to people that way too. You never know when it will be the last time you get to say it.

Joel Osteen gave a very significant preaching last week about Enjoying the Journey. People are making a living but not making a life. We need to invest time with our children and family. Lack of investment in family can make you a very lonely person.

Take this advice from me, if need be, say no to opportunities at work if it means less time with your children, take walks with them, always have dinner together, go to their ballgames, go to their plays and all their recitals even if you're busy.

Your children are only little once, enjoy them while they still want to hang around with you because there will come a day when they are grown and gone out of the house when that annoying call for Mommy or Daddy will be greatly missed. Slow down and enjoy the journey.

Forgive Past Hurts...are you kidding me?

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice; and be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 5:31-32 (KJV)

This verse means so much to me. During the loss of Danielle, it was very difficult for me to see anything else but hurt until I realized that with forgiveness and without anger I felt so much better. Did you know that unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment block the flow of God's blessings for your life? Holding on to the hurts of your past can poison your present and limit your future. But when you let go of these emotional wounds, you open the door to the life of victory that God has planned for you!

So trade your sorrow for His joy. Trade your shame for His peace. Trade your insecurities for His love and mercy. We are not defined by our past. We are defined by God's Word and His plan for our lives.

I did so I know you can...If you've never read Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall, please do it. I read this book last week and it changed me forever. I thought I had already forgiven but I had no clue of TOTAL forgiveness until I read this book. It will be the best thing you ever did!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Are you Confident? Well, of course...I

Joyce Meyer has a perfect saying that I really related to, "A believer in Christ with no confidence is like a jumbo jet with no fuel."

Are you that jumbo jet? I thought I wasn't at all, but little did I know I was not as confident as I portrayed myself to be. My mom always told me carry your head high, smile and no one will ever know you are terrified. A previous boss told me once, say anything with confidence and people will believe you...all of this advice is good advice, however, it doesn't relate to your life in Christ. I trained myself to believe I was confident in all that I did. However, to be confident in Christ is completely different! I wasn't able to do any of the things people had told me over the years to get through my latest difficulties with my life. I lacked confidence in my faith!

If you lack confidence, you have an insecurity (sometimes fear) and that is not how God wants us to live. Things can happen to us as children and young adults that sculpt our lives and make us self conscious. If you learn to love yourself just the way you are, you will realize that God loves us that way too. After all, He created us. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image! Stand up and be who God made us to be...

Your confidence is who you are in Christ Jesus, not what people think about you, not what you look like, what you wear, what you drive or the job you have.