My Baby Bug, Danielle

My Baby Bug, Danielle

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Jealousy, "The Big Green Monster"

I have been studying jealousy lately and thought I'd share what I learned with you guys. It's been a blessing to me and I hope it will for you as well.

Have you ever noticed when you get what you thought you wanted, it's really not all that great. That means you made it happen (living in the flesh) and didn't wait to follow God's will for your life. When you pray and wait for God's will you will always be satisfied and content with how your prayers were answered. Believe it or not, He does know best!

Love is not touchy or jealous so therefore when you are those things you have no love in your heart. You can't be both at the same time. When you realize you are being jealous or coveting what someone else has then pray fervently to love the person you are jealous of, even bless them by doing something wonderful for them. This is how the jealousy will get under your feet and you will be able to freely love everyone!

One of the Ten Commandments that we are to keep is "Thou shalt not covet". Did you ever wonder what that really meant? Well, it means that you won't lust after or wish you had what someone else has or look like someone else or live the lives they live. You never know what is behind the front we see in public. There could be pain, deceit, lies or evil associated with what is shown outwardly. We need to be happy with who we are and love ourselves and pray for God to live and shine through us outwardly. This will make you happier than you could ever imagine.

Jealousy breeds strife and where there is strife, there is every evil work. Intentionally seek and pray for peace and content, then you will most definitely find inner strength to overcome jealousy and show all others what God is doing through you because of it!

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